Monday, June 15, 2009


As a personal blogger before this assignment, I thought that I knew everything about blogging. However after the assignment, it somehow helps me to understand the skills as a blogger needed. Like for example insert the theory of Reep (2006) whereby salience, framing and layout will provide readability and easy navigation to the readers. I have layout all the pictures at the center and as well there is framing between each posting.

On top of that Multimodality by Walsh (2006) encourages interactivity while engaging readers. This will somehow create a community in my blog for discussion whether is a chat box on the right or the comments. In addition adding and giving hyperlinks to other sites will eventually create a ‘joy ride’ whereby readers can jump from one page to another.

Well learning from this, I will definitely design well for my future blog so that is readable. Must and always be ethical at all times, avoiding any infringement copyright by acknowledging them and reference the author. Last but not least, I will avoid any negative and sensitive topic to the culture such as nudity and religions.


1. Walsh, M 2006, The ‘textual stuff’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 24-37.

2. Reep, DC 2006, Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings, 6th edn, Pearson Education, USA.

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