Saturday, May 23, 2009

Photoblog might be real

Photolog originated from the word photo blog, and its function is to share photo like a photo journal with unlimited text description (KeepandShare, 2009). According to Shriver (1997) both word and text must collaborate in order to bring meaning from the picture to the audience. Therefore, photolog allows user not just upload pictures but as well able to type in the caption of the particular event.

However, unlike in the old time photographers have hard time taking perfect and fantastic photo, but today thanks to the emergence of technology, photographers are much more convenient and easy to change the colour contrast and even adjust exact way they wanted.

According to Goldstein (2008) stated that Adobe Photoshop pamper many photographers, they don’t just ease the work of photographers but as well a solution to make the picture perfect.

According to Eitreim (2008) stated that he read a blog from a person who hire photographers for the wedding and it turns out to be disaster. Not that the composition of the photographer is bad but at least half of the picture taken were in black and white and edited. Therefore she had hard time searching and editing the pictures back to the original before uploading it to her photo blog. Therefore, it is not entirely good about editing because as it might not please someone especially clients with the outcome of the pictures.

Another good example has posted in by Dove showing that beauty in today’s society has been distorted, and photographers lose their originality. Whether the pictures in photo blog is real or another form of cheat.

It is up to you to judge whether editing pictures is a positive or negative manner.


1. Eitreim, D 2008, I Hate Photoshop!, Ezine Article, viewed 22 May, <!&id=989107>.

2. Goldstein, JM 2008, The 5 Biggest Pitfalls of Digital Photography,, viewed 22 May, <>.

3. KeepandShare 2009, What Is a Photo Blog?, Keep and Share, viewed 22 May, <>.

4. Shriver, KA 1997, Dynamics in document design: creating texts for readers, The interplay of words and pictures, ch. 6, pp. 361-441.

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